
    Metaverse and “Snow Crash” from Neal Stephenson

    Neal Stephenson published in 1992 the futuristic novel “Snow Crash” where he describes a future cyberpunk and futuristic and even “Post Apocalyptic” world. Mind control, sects, mafias proliferate in an american nation plagued by disorderly demographic movements. Mind control is the product of a tycoon’s desire for power. Salvation may come from a hacker with knowledge and access to the Metaverse, future of the Web, a kind of futurist “Second Life”…

    Facebook is also talking about the Metaverse project, a “more real” universe where people would immerse themselves directly in a “more real” virtual reality throuh VR (“Virtual Reality”) and FLR (“Facebook Reality Labs”) …

    The future will be what it will be!

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