
    Martial Taichichuan

    TaijiQuan is a martial art, it develops the ability to fight. Combat is not war !

    The art of combat is played out in the relationship with the other, in the management of a balance of power unlike the war which points the enemy and aims at his destruction.

    One participates in the development of the person, helps him to individualize within the group, inscribes him in a web of relationships. The other is based on survival and denies the individual who becomes a soldier, pawn or enemy, an interchangeable piece of faceless machinery. The martial art awakens the conscience of the fighter based on a better understanding of oneself and of the other; the challenge is to maintain a dynamic balance between contradictory forces. Fight with oneself, fight with the other, search for a reciprocal adaptation for a more balanced conviviality where one takes into account the forces present, one’s own, that of the adversary, that of the context and of the moment.

    In TJQ, we invite you to listen in order to understand and be able to transform the situation intelligently. Feel or even foresee the loophole to be exploited to achieve a lot of effect with little effort.

    The other is based on survival and denies the individual who becomes a soldier, pawn or enemy, an interchangeable piece of faceless machinery. The martial art awakens the conscience of the fighter based on a better understanding of oneself and of the other; the challenge is to maintain a dynamic balance between contradictory forces. Fight with oneself, fight with the other, search for a reciprocal adaptation for a more balanced conviviality where one takes into account the forces present, one’s own, that of the adversary, that of the context and of the moment.

    In the face of power and force, there is no question of a direct confrontation.

    Observe to understand !

    Jean-Luc Perot October 2021

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