
    Circular Economy Model

    Here is the Life Cycle of a used or consumed product and the solution to reduce wastes, consumption of energy and to reuse them in the economy :

    • Raw Material Extraction produces wastes through elements separation…The solution is to find another use for rejected materials
    • Packaging of Raw Material is a possibility (Plastics…) before transportation… The solution is to recycle these elements or to find another use
    • Transportation consumes energy and other resources (Engines…)… The solution is to reduce emissions and transportation distances
    • Manufacturing consumes energy and produces wastes… The solution is to reduce emissions and to recycle or to find another use for Wastes
    • Packaging before distribution produces wastes… The solution is to recycle or to find another use
    • Distribution produces wastes and consumes energy (Supermarkets…)…The solution is to recycle or to find another use and minimise energy consumption
    • Packaging before consumption produces wastes…The solution is to recycle or to find another use
    • Final consumption or use is the most important generator of wastes… The solutions are to recycle, to reuse, to share, to refurbish, to repair or to find another use – Sources : for final Consumption only : G. Mannaert

    All these saved energy quantities and wastes are reinjected in the economy at different levels of the Life Cycle of the product

    Circular Economy Model
    Circular Economy Model

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