In May 2019, the Amazon and the Cerrado are experiencing an unprecedented disaster since 2007.
The price of a tree !
Today, this continues with impunity! In our countries, we talk about “green” everywhere, however! I prefer the term “Grey” for “Grey Economy”. Strange paradoxes, we plant a few trees here and we burn millions of them in Brazil! No need here to look for precise figures to logically estimate the economic, climatic and biological nonsense of such behaviors! Maybe it would be smarter to cut them and to use them intelligently! Not even, they are burned savagely! From there, you can understand the reluctance to speak “green” in societal discourses when we see such situations happening wildly. Happily, awareness and values are changing and it’s not too late ! And all efforts are welcome to improve the situation of course and I’m not denigrating here the efforts being made in favor of cleaner energies for example… However, stay confident on the ability of human kind to solve the problem !